The GEM approach to FM combines all support services into an integrated solution. By bundling services, we are able to reduce overheads and allocate resources more efficiently.

Duplications often occur when a business employs a maintenance company and cleaning contractor, for example. These individuals have no incentive to work together or share information. The GEM integrated approach eliminates barriers between these service functions and works as one team, improving effectiveness, motivation and quality of service.

By outsourcing to GEM, you can focus on your core competencies, with the reassurance that we are protecting your assets and people, enhancing the working environment in the most cost effective way.

Our solution is custom built, no two facilities are the same. In building the best model, we consider your environment, budget, level of risk, compliance and legislative requirements, as well as discussing any unique requirement.

Motivated people, delivering multiple services together as one team, and a continual focus on processes, results in cost-reductions from synergies and integration.